Tuesday, December 20, 2011

12/20/11 - God truly has him (tissue warning)

(Sorry if this is not 100% correct. It is my recollection)
Isaac and Jackie have been going to this church started by old friends of ours. Last Sunday, Jackie reported that the service was excellent. Several kids took to Isaac, including one teenager who invited him to come back and go to Youth. They had a Baptism that day.

Isaac was very interested and asked what it meant to be Baptized.

Mom told him it was "like a second chance" at life, and why.

He obviously picked up on the meaning because he then said, "God gave me a second chance, too. How can I be baptized?"


Update 12/19/11

ARD Meeting
Jackie and I went to the ARD meeting at his middle school Monday. CNS sent one of the therapists working with him on school work. Her past experience helped us formulate a plan for Isaac to return to school.

Because the school normally has eight classes during the day, we all felt this might overwhelm Isaac. However, on Wednesday/Thursday they have a modified schedule of four classes. This seemed the proper choice to get him back in with minimal issues. With four classes he will be able to adjust more slowly to the environment, and we will be more likely to catch any issues from the reintegration.

His workload, according to our CNS therapist, is difficult because of his slowness. Modifications were put in place to assure he would get assistance, if necessary, or be allowed to use aids (like a laptop or similar) to get his work done.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

12-15-2011 Update

There are more times now that Isaac is acting like a normal kid than anything else, but let me tell you about the opposites.

The Good: We were at our family dinner place on Tuesdays (cheap dinner night). It is usually loud, prompting Isaac to want to leave. He DIDN'T NOTICE!
Also, we were in family conversation and Brea was saying something about a university in Pennsylvania. She had no sooner spoken the words, when Isaac looked up and said, "So, would it be called P.U.??" That quick wittiness in his processing is coming back. Needless to say we got a great laugh out of it, but Isaac tickled himself so much with it he had tears.

The Challenges: Demonstrated movement using conscious thought is still on the slow side. This is more pronounced in the morning and evening when he is either not fully awake or very tired.
We also notice when he is eating dinner, he will eat each thing on his plate completely before moving to the next item. While this is also something normal for a twelve year old, I think we are also seeing limitations in Isaac because he will not touch his drink until he is completely done.

From FaceBook:
Isaac saw Dr. MacDonald (the PMR Dr who's been following him since Childrens), and said he is doing amazing & shows very little indication of ever having a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)! He even noticed a marked improvement in balance and coordination from the last visit, 4 weeks ago. Praise God - He is truly amazing!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Update 12/6/2011

Sorry all,

There were no updates since dad prepared and ran in the White Rock Marathon on Sunday 12/4. It was my first Half Marathon.
(See www.RefereeDad.com or RefereeDad on FaceBook for more)

We have much progress to tell about Isaac. The monthly update meeting progressed much better than expected.

From FaceBook:
God is still so in control of Isaac's recovery, as he continues to make progress ahead of schedule. The results discussed today were surprising to the case manager, who expected these type of numbers "6-8 weeks from now", as many of his "goals" were met in the varied therapies! Speed of processing & "carryover" (learning of new concepts/skills) is much better when it comes to cognitive work (school work, strategy, etc.), but still behind "normal" in fine motor skills. He's learning to type to help with his school work, so this should be interesting. :-) Balance, coordination, & endurance are excellent for his "post coma" stage. The entire CNS staff just "loves" working with him, as true to his name, he makes them "smile and laugh". Praise God for the continued gifts to us!

CNS is contacting Huffines about the T2 ARD (the meeting after 30 days, to set standards/goals). We are coming up on 30 days (next week). She wants to get these set, as they want him to attend Huffines 2 days a week starting in January. (He was even asking about that this morning... he's initiating so they see that as WONDERFUL, even though they would have gone down this path without his initiating. Counseling sessions are indicating to Stephanie that he was being bullied at school - name calling ("4-eyes", weirdo, etc.) so he's a little worried about dealing with "friends", even though he did have a wonderful time at his Block Party.

Please say a special prayer for our cousin who is recovering from surgeries and may have to go through chemo. He is in Southeast Asia with a large family. Ask specifically for a miracle for his recovery. Satan should have no hold over them whatsoever.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Isaac, version 2.0

The boy who stands in front of me is "not" the Isaac I remember.

This is not meant to be a bad thing. There are just enough differences to overcome the similarities in my eyes. With the "reboot" of the upstairs operating system also came a reboot of the heart of the boy that was before. I have wrestled with these observations over the last week, and have realized that I was putting expectations from Isaac(1.0) onto Isaac(2.0). The stress caused by that was eating at me, little by little.

Isaac (formerly known as 2.0) is a very loving, smart boy who has difficulty remembering more than a couple tasks at a time, yet just like a twelve year old will remind you when you forgot something important to him. He will ask several times in half an hour, which could be thought of as pestering or the fact that he does not remember the answer you gave the first two times. (Again, a twelve year old)

He can play at the right time, when given a metronome, while practicing his trumpet. He can sing in time to a song he knows on the radio. Anything new, however, is as fascinating as it is cause to slow down and absorb. It can get a bit unsettling when he follows someone around, just because he wants to see what is going on. So, too, can he frustrate when playing on his phone. He will hold it close to his face and look over the top of his glasses at the phone.....for HOURS if we let him. (Sigh, again with the twelve year old)

If we thought he had a big heart before, we cannot fathom the size of it now. Hugs are a mainstay in our household. He does not particularly take an interest in playing with smaller children, instead preferring the phone, TV, or computer. I am still working on that one.

Thanksgiving was filled with fun and family. Jesse and Isaac found a slice of heaven at a cousin's house where there was one big screen TV being used for games, and another sitting next to it playing movies. What more could you ask for?

Isaac also became a "cat magnet" when two of their four cats decided he was a pillow with petting functionality. Dinner was excellent, and didn't part company until late that evening.

The weekend was not without many surprises. Brea received her acceptance to the University she was hoping for, and it made her cry.

Isaac has been thinking of the other people in the clinic, and the reasons they are there. He decided to ask "how his brain got hurt" because he didn't have an answer. Last Wednesday we discussed it as a group with his counselor.

He only got to the point where he knew there was an accident from doing something he shouldn't have before he indicated he had absorbed too much. Yesterday (Monday) he indicated to the counselor he wanted to know more information.

From the counselor to us: Isaac asked me more directly of what exactly he did to hurt his brain. I told him the same things as last Wednesday, such as he was trying something new and it didn't work out as he had planned. I also told him that he was trying a game that stopped the oxygen to his brain. I didn't tell him the exact mechanism of what he did, but reiterated that you were both there and took him to the hospital immediately. He was able to say that he was really surprised he would try something like that and wants to avoid games that take risks in the future.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sound the Trumpets

Isaac had his first music lesson last night. The music teacher, a long time friend of ours, commented that he was surprised at how well the lesson went, compared to first lessons of other young musicians he has taught. Isaac has homework with his trumpet.

He will be using a metronome to improve his timing. He is now about a half beat off, using 4/4 time, in his response to music. That speaks volumes in my head to his recovery. We cannot begin to understand how the mind works, but we know that music pushes the limits of left/right brain function. He loves music, so we hope it will be a catalyst to continue his recovery at a higher rate.

The day prior was his actual birthday. He amazed his primary care doc. She said she had chills seeing him in the stage he is in, and having expected something completely different. She said, (pp)"I get the notes referred to me by all the treatments and doctors working with him, but seeing is much different than reading."

Mom asked him to think of where he wanted to go for family dinner, since it was his birthday. He chose Studio Movie Grill, but unfortunately all the movies playing he had already seen. He then opted for ordering pizza and watching a movie at home with the family. We all laughed through Ice Age 3 again.

Life is beginning to get better, slowly.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Birthday Boy Bash

We are overjoyed at the number of people who love and cherish our family, and are willing to come enjoy time with us. When someone goes out of their way to make things special, however, it deserves to be mentioned. Margaret Malin is a long time friend and neighbor. Her children and our children have grown up together. We have shared much, and have seen both wonders and challenges in both families over the last 10+ years.

Isaac with Josh, Jill, Jessica, and Brea

She created, coordinated, and amazingly pulled off a block party for Isaac's birthday on Sunday. Friends and family came from near and far to sit and enjoy with us after a great football game. (yes, I was listening dear)

Isaac took to it well. He mingled with friends, socialized with those friends who are a bit more shy than others, and got kids and adults involved in the largest game of keep away I have seen in many years. He lost himself in his phone when the sights and sounds were overbearing, but soon got back into the fray.

Testing New Walkie Talkies with friends

Margaret elicited the help of our neighborhood grill king and all around neat guy, John, to cook hot dogs and brats. My buddy Bill came to help with setup and camaraderie, and of course lead the team in keep away. Victor and family were there, as were Charles, Lucia, and family. They brought my other buddy, CJ, who kept all the girls enthralled with his cuteness.

Others brought everything from beans to tortilla rolls (those were good, Debbie) to chips and desserts. One big jar of cheese puffs kept calling to me, thank you Robert, but I wasn't able to get to them until much later.

Angry Birds....Yea!!!

Many thanks to all the people who came. A special thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Nacke, who taught our kids (and others in attendance) in fifth grade, for coming to celebrate with us.

Lastly, Margaret, we thank you so very, very much for all the diligence to make this a great party for Isaac!

Brea and Josh in "Chalk Wars"

Thursday, November 10, 2011

New schedule for the McCradys (11-10-2011 - Thursday)

Isaac had a good weekend at home, and now has begun to settle into a routine with us. Now that he is home at night, we get his studies from the Middle School he started before the accident. They are supposed to have his work ready on Friday, but since we enrolled him that day it would have been difficult on the teachers to have the work ready for me to pick up that afternoon. Instead, I picked it up on Monday afternoon after work.

For us to get him to the clinic, and mom to get adequate time in at work, we have had to work out a few kinks in the morning schedule. The day starts off around 0445 with the parents waking up and dad going for a run. Isaac and sister starts coming in about 0515, usually before dad is out the door. By the time dad gets back at 0615 they are leaving or all out the door (sister, too, if she has morning practice). This morning (Thursday) I saw mom and Isaac coming down our block on their way to work and clinic. (We don't say school, because school will be totally different when he is ready for that) They stopped and said hi/bye to me at the corner.

Tuesday night was family night at Rosa's. Upon finding out we were going, Isaac asked if we could "get some through the Drive Through" instead. I asked him why he didn't want to go in and he responded, "because it is too loud in there."
While I can understand his issue with the noise, because it does get loud in the restaurant, I said, "We have to learn how to deal with loud places. Daddy doesn't like loud places either, but we like the food. Sometimes we get there and it isn't as loud, so we take the good over the bad and go. If it happens to be loud, we focus real hard on our own conversation and eat a little more quickly so we can leave."

As it would turn out, the hoards of teenagers meeting for a cheap meal were there at the same time we sat down. Isaac did well for about 15 minutes, then about halfway through his taco started getting frustrated. Mom and I both saw it, so I turned to him and said, "Go ahead and put your phone on the table. Play one of your games so you can focus away, but keep eating your taco." Normally phones are not allowed while eating, unless we are looking up something to share with everyone. (I love iPhones. It's the only Mac I ever want, but it is good! ....remember, tech dad here!) About 10 minutes after his episode, the rowdy crowd left. I leaned over and said, "Hey! Guess what?"


"They're GOOOOOONE!" (motioning to the empty tables)

As soon as I said it, one of the kids opened the back door and yelled something like, "Hey Johnnie! Come on!"

Isaac looked at me with raised eyebrows.

I gave him a funny face and said, "Straggler!"

We both laughed.

Isaac has been working on the Wii, much more on his tablet and phone, with games and skill tests. Last night he received quite a few pieces of mail. We decided to go get some birthday arrangements for a friend who came to the hospital for a surprise. He read the cards that he received, with sister and brother helping, during our drive.

One of the cards had us curious, since the front return was from a U.S. Federal Court, and was hand addressed to Isaac. Not realizing the possibilities of its origin, I opened it to make sure it was correct. Smiling, I put it back in the envelope and let him open it. That was the neatest card I have seen in awhile. Thank you, Sir. (The judge is a classmate of my father-in-law, who is following Isaac's progress)

We then took our birthday stuff home to drop off mom and sister, and dad took them to work to put up the decorations for the surprise the next day. Isaac was funny trying to blow up a balloon, while dad and brother tried not to break their necks hanging the banner and streamers. Then it was back home for bedtime. He still has to sleep about 9 hours in order to be ready for the next day. His brain has to process more than normal at night, so giving him that time is very beneficial.

He likes his room. It has stayed simple, with clothes and bed things. We got the mattress for the day bed, and put it in Brea's room. We moved her futon, that I brought back from Iowa, into the boys room for Jesse. He seems to like it as well.

His processing speed is much more apparent, as is his vocal ability, now that he is at the house. It is still a process, but we take it a day at a time.

Monday, November 7, 2011

A new life at home

Brother, sister, and I spent most of last week working on the house and the boys' room. Brother concentrated on the room, and sister came in to help with the final portion on Friday.

The idea was to make the bedrooms back into what they were intended for....sleep. The family room is now a place where all gather as a family to watch TV, etc. This had changed, slightly, with the computers and TVs in the rooms.

Dad had to meet the Special Education team at Huffines to transfer his adaptive learning program from Irving ISD to Lewisville ISD. The law says that wherever Isaac sleeps is where he gets his educational materials. Huffines will be providing the work, and mom and dad will be the "middle men" to ensure they get between Huffines and the clinic.

Anyway, Dad went down after work and met mom at the apartment to pack him up. The aide and Isaac had an apparent head start, because when I arrived everything was pretty much already done regarding the packing. We filled the back of the truck, then walked down to the office and signed him out "for the last time."

The last thing we took out of the office was the clock on his wall. Made to look like a tire and rim, with tools for hands, I wanted him to have a familiar look to his room at home than that at the apartment. We took it down, and once home, put it up in his room where he would see it in the morning. Because the apartment had removed the doors from the bedroom closet, probably to accommodate wheelchair access, we removed the doors of the closet at home to increase the familiarity.

He was excited and nervous at the same time. The rest of the family was similarly affected, and his sister had actual flu symptoms that kept her home from school on Friday. Despite that, moving him went fairly smooth on Friday.

Saturday we slept in, then went to our weekly family soccer game. Dad was supposed to run in the early morning, but waited until noon. (that was a mistake) He was able to play, but not as well as he liked. One of our players decided not to play with us after the game that day. We were sad to lose her, because she is very skilled. Ladies are difficult to find in coed soccer.

Back home for freshening up that afternoon, then out to find mattresses. Our cousins gave us a single bed with a trundle since we were short one bed in the remodel. The only catch is that it did not come with mattresses, so we went out in search of mattresses for it.

Charles, Lucia, and Angeline came over to play cards. We had a great time with them, while the kids watched Indispicable Me.

Sunday was relax day. Isaac was seriously overloaded from all the activity and coming home. We watched the football game at noon (Dad listened while he did his run), then washed up and started dinner. Dad got a crazy notion for chicken pot pie casserole, so he showed the teens how to make it while mom took Isaac to the store for a couple items Isaac needed.

We watched Once Upon a Time on Hulu to get ready for the newest episode, then watched it all together. Monday he will start back to clinic, this time riding with mom instead of riding the bus. We will see how that works.

I see more of the hesitant boy, but I think that is because he has not relaxed being at the house yet.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Where are we now?

I know many of you who follow this blog are up-to-date with all of the strides we see, but let me tell you the rest of the story about Isaac's progress. As his parents, we would rather look at him for what he can do than what he cannot. This perspective keeps us sane, but there are times when we must face the ugly task of defining his limitations. This, to me, is the stressful part of the ordeal, so I will try to give you a clearer picture of Isaac's Second Chance, thus far.

All the things you do, because "that's the way it's done", is due to a learned response sometime in your past. You have memories connected to pleasure, danger, etc that sum up your life experience. You refer to these when making decisions, both short and long term. Now imagine that most of your "connections" are gone, but the snippets of movies in your head remain. You have a slight feeling that a certain choice should be made, but the trauma (good or bad) that solidified that memory as your decision maker is now just a whisper in your head you can disregard. Your conscious focus is on the current moment rather than the past or future, which is what we all should do, but the past teaches us what not to do and the future holds long term goals we make while living the moment. Not being able to utilize past or future in your thinking would keep you from progressing.

Those defining traits from your past, that sum up your character, are essentially gone. You must learn those connections again, or make new ones, until the 'common sense' makes sense again. By the way, this is how people who are generally angry and have a brain injury can heal to be a completely different person.

Now, find the closest thing to you with more than two paragraphs of written words. (not this blog) Memorize the first two lines of the second paragraph, then set a timer for five minutes and recite the two lines without looking back at the source. You may find it difficult, depending on whether you have honed these skills in the recent past, to remember the entire selection. Isaac has difficulty with this short term memory all the time. He might not remember any of it.

Now imagine that you could read words, but writing them is near impossible. You know that you understand what should go on the page, but translating from your head to your hand is like writing through jello. It is a slow, tedious process.

Sound and light are 30% brighter/louder than what they really are. The more of it, the more you have to mentally block. This, like those before, are learned traits. If you bring a country person to the city you can easily overwhelm them with the sights and sounds.

So, with that perspective in mind.....

Isaac is presently 95% the same kid as before.

Here is the 5%:

Focus and Short Term Memory
Focus is elusive in the best of times. ADD/ADHD/OCD, all these come to mind when watching Isaac move throughout the evening. Staying focused is apparently another learned response, because it is improving, yet still not even close to normal. Staying on task, with distraction, is very limited. Staying on task without distraction is better. We have seen a marked improvement in the last month in this area, but there are definite signs that focus is a major issue to both his recovery and his relearning process.

Processing ability
This is the hardest part for Isaac. He can process quickly for reactive purposes, but conscious effort is cause for serious thinking. Isaac cannot accomplish that easily. Periods of thinking cause him to stop, usually physically, in order to focus. Improvements here have been in time duration. Isaac used to take several minutes to respond (while in OCH). Now time to response is usually 30 seconds to ~3 minutes.

He has trouble making decisions on his own
If you ask Isaac what he wants for dinner, he will eventually become frustrated. This is because he cannot pare down the foods and make a decision based on that criteria. However, if you ask him if he would rather have A or B, he can think hard enough to give you a response. There is improvement in this area, but as of now it is still not a fast thing

He is limited in his ability to see danger
Walking out in the street is usually learned by the first or second grade. Isaac is still relearning this concept. Basic concepts are being learned, but the intricate ones are still to come.

Isaac's overall processing power is slower than normal.
Isaac can process language better than anything else. He can converse with you and use "near" adult words. He understands normal conversation as well as some advanced topics.

Isaac has recently been doing fractions at math, but it is not easy. We feel his skills are there, but the time for processing is still way out of normal.

Beyond that, Isaac is the "happy go lucky" kid we have always known. We are moving him home on Friday, and will be doing outpatient therapy at CNS from then on.

Remember, while I have written a novel on this website, this has only been going on for two months as of November 1st. At his current progress, and given that the statistics for rapid progress in recovery show he has another month, Isaac should be starting to improve all the above this month. We are optimistic he can conquer most of the improvements by December.

Regardless, we will continue using CNS until they tell us different, but our goal is to get him back into school by his 7th grade year.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Transition to outpatient imminent !!!

We have begun to get the ball rolling on his transition to the house. It takes more than just moving him, because where he "lives" determines his home school. With him in Dallas and Irving, they were the educational preference. Lewisville will be now, so we have to move his registration from Irving to Lewisville.

We have a meeting today with the middle school to get that started. His actual transition to the house should be Friday, unless there is a compelling reason from the insurance as to why it should not happen.

Monday, October 31, 2011

The weekend

Friday -
Isaac went to the Battle of the Axe football game between LHS and rival Marcus. We had 18 friends and family scheduled to be on the 45 yard line to support our daughter's last performance with the marching band. Besides being one of the most popular grudge matches in the area, it was also Senior Night for our Senior sister, Brea. She was in the front as they marched off the field and she ended up standing right in front of us. Isaac ran down to say hi, but she was still in marching mode and could not do anything but stand at attention. She said all she wanted to do was jump the railing and give us hugs. Tears and fun for all.

Unfortunately we were playing one of the better teams in our district, so we were not winning, but the performance and the game were great. It turned cold, however, so we decided in the third quarter to leave.

Saturday - Jackie and Isaac came to the house to get ready. They slept in at the apartment this morning. We went to our adult co-ed soccer game, then lunch, then trick or treating at Grapevine Mills. An email had been sent regarding the shops letting kids Trick or Treat on Saturday night from 6-8. We soon learned that was a mis-communication, and they would be doing it on Halloween instead. It was ok, though, because Railroad Park was having Spooktacular, a festival created by the city to alleviate any issues of trick or treating, especially for little kids. It was made up of games for young children managed by local school district student volunteers. That was FUN, and we saw friends in the process.

Sunday - Lazy day at the house, then Mom took us back to the apartment for Monday morning.

Monday - Mom picked up Isaac from the apartment after work, and brought him to the mall for the scheduled Trick or Treat event. We walked all the way around the mall, stopping wherever was a sign showing they were participating. Many of the ones we found didn't have anything left, despite their sign still on the front door.
Fuddruckers for dinner, and I took him back to the apartment. I told him I would have to leave early in the morning to get back to the house so I could get ready for work. I woke him up early this morning and reminded him I was leaving, and would not be here when he got up to go to the clinic. I got the universal "OK" sign, which is Isaac for when he doesn't want to take the time to speak. LOL

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Isaac is coming HOME!!!!

We received the call today that Isaac will be coming back to the house permanently! According to our case worker, he will be transitioning to Outpatient Only on the 9th of November!! Yea!!

(Oh yes, I was asked to put this on the website. What timing!!!)

Block Party

There will be a block party on November 13th (Sunday), starting at 3pm. It will be cookout style (hot dogs and Brats). Bring your own drink and side/snack to share. Kindly RSVP to your nearest McCrady so our organizer can have enough food.

10-25-11 (Tuesday)

Isaac had homework again tonight. This time it was adding fractions!!! Albeit slowly, he got them done just fine. (Yes!!!)

Family night at Rosa's.

We typically go get cheap mexican food on Tuesdays. Rosa's is a chain that inside reminds me of Ninfa's. Bright colors with the unmistakable pink, blue and greens seen in many other mexican restaurants. Tuesday is special because they serve a very cheap meal all day. Three crispy or soft, chicken or beef, tacos with rice and beans and tortillas for $3.50. They have a condiment bar with levels of salsa and fresh pico de gallo.

Another reason we keep going is we see many faces of people we know every time we go.

I picked up and signed Isaac out for the evening. We came back to the house to get Jesse and wait for Mom and Brea, then all headed over to the restaurant. Good food, as always, and an interesting turn of events.

Isaac had a bout of overload, covering his ears. After questioning, he said it was getting loud. We agreed that when it gets loud, we have to "turn down our ears" and focus on the conversation in our group or at our table. He liked that idea, and immediately started responding again.

Jackie dropped the three of us back at the house and took Isaac back to Irving.

10-24-11 (Monday)

Isaac is starting homework from school. Today his homework was in English, understanding the action phrases from a story. I'm still a little surprised that he is doing this well as soon as he is, but interacting with him shows he still has quite a way to go in the verbal and processing departments. He can, however, function quite well on most tasks.

He seems to be excelling at regaining his cognitive ability, yet the lack of common sense is nerve wracking. Others just treat him as if it is age appropriate, but I'm not seeing it as being the same. Boy I hope I'm just overdoing it.

Anyway, I arranged for Mom to go get the teens and come watch the World Series at the apartment. He had to go to bed 3/4 the way through the game, but the first thing he asked mom the next morning was, "Who won?" That's "so" Isaac!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday - More soccer (dad's perpsectives)

More soccer today; this time a practice. I stayed the night at CNS and woke up early this morning to take Isaac to be with the family. It was early so I could get a run in while it was cool outside. He stayed at the house, waking mom and Brea up while I went on the run.

I was late to the practice because I had a 7 mile goal for my training today. Then center is training him in PT to be able to run a 5K race with me when he finishes his rehab. I'm continuing to move ahead in the distance field by training for a half marathon in December. Personal goals are the hardest because you don't want to take away from the family, but you HAVE to set aside time for you at some point.

I've spoken to both of my teens this weekend about goals. My lesson in life has been that, regardless of how much I wanted to lose weight; no matter how much I wanted to get into a routine; no matter how I talked people into working with me, if I started working and stopped working it I could not rely on those with me to motivate me or to persevere despite me. I was being looked at for my ability to lead, but I was constantly trying to release that responsibility to others and expecting them to follow.

I finally realized it was my responsibility to motivate myself, whether alone or in a group. I know that others will eventually want to follow, and I can help them if they want, but it still revolves around me to maintain that leadership. I still find it hard to get myself up to run, now that it is getting cold outside, my body is too hooked on the feeling after I run that I actually feel bad when I dont. Then funny thing is...I miss it.

OK, so after the running came soccer practice. That was interesting, because they were doing drills when I got to the field. It turned into kicking against the keeper (me), and that liked to have killed me given the prior activity. I tried to maintain as much as possible until I finally called for a break. I tried getting out and kicking against my son, but I was already too wasted.

Jesse and I went home to shower, then came back to meet the rest at Chili's, including Josh who is subbing with our team now. Afterwards we all corraled at home to get everything in order. Mom then took Isaac to the apartment, while we chilled and watched a movie at home.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

10-22-11 (Saturday) First time home

Today was an exciting day for Isaac. Grandma stayed last night to give mom a rest again, since Brea has only been out of surgery for a day. (She is doing very well, by the way)

Mom and Brea picked him up from CNS and brought him to the house to get Jesse and me. While waiting on us, mom started talking to our neighbors, and had Isaac come over so they could see him. While standing there, Isaac asked where Jesse was. Mom said in the house, and we asked Isaac if he wanted to go in the house and find Jesse. He clearly was not worried about it, so we went inside. This was his first time in the house since the accident.

Jesse and I started talking to him, and questions moved to what he remembered, which is a frequent topic. Thus far, it has been difficult to get him in the right state to talk to him about any of the things he remembered. We narrowed down what he could and could not recall.

We determined that:
1) he could recall elementary school
2) he could recall being at middle school
3) he could recall his teachers from elementary school
4) he could not recall any teachers, except Mr. Stephens, who we have known from Brea and Jesse being in the same school
5) he does not remember being in Childrens hospital
6) he remembers being in Our Children's House

We conclude, in our less than scientific manner, that he has a memory gap of time from somewhere about the first day of middle school to the middle of September.

The accident, then, is not there....yet.    (yes, uncle Kenny, I remember)

We can now start to look for signs, and talk to him about this gap, while he continues to get more of his memory back.

When mom was done, we went halloween costume shopping, then to the high school for Brea before heading to the soccer complex so mom, dad, and brother could play their game.

After soccer, Charles and family met us for lunch at our favorite restaurant, then mom dropped Jesse and me off at the house so I could get ready and get the truck. She took Isaac and Brea down to see the band perform the UIL show. (Last real performance) I met them there with the truck so I could bring Isaac back to the apartment by 9pm, before he turned into a pumpkin.

The show was great, and the band received top marks. Isaac and I left to come back, and we put on the World Series game once here. There must have been some confusion at CNS, since several people showed up before we got our person.

We will be leaving early in the morning, since I have to run my 8 mile track to get ready for my half marathon in December. Since we know Isaac is not having negative issues at the house, he can come back and hang out with the family.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Note on Brea for those who know...

Outpatient surgery went well. They found a couple things we could not have determined without "peeking inside" her abdomen. She went into surgery yesterday morning and I took her home that afternoon. She is sore, but is doing well.

She will be sore for about a week, according to the doctor. She wants to go see her UIL performance on Saturday, but I don't think she will be up for it. We have to see how she feels.

10-19-11 Thursday - Still have some impulsiveness

(added new page in the menu)

Now that I think about it, I realized at the Fair he was falling for the marketing schemes without thinking about them. I glossed over it, realizing this was overkill to his senses anyway.

Tonight I took him to a movie, since the rest of the group was going to movie night as well. I could not see getting to a movie on a "school night" at 7:45 and not getting out of there until after 9, with his bedtime at 8. It sends mixed signals to a recovering brain.

We found that Real Steel was showing at another theater at 5:40, so we hopped in the truck and ran to it. Mom had gone home to take the teens to eat, to spend some quality time with them. I alerted her that I would be halfway home with him, and she could meet us for dinner if she wanted.

Parking at the mall, he had no cares about darting into the street to get to the sidewalks. This was another glimpse to the remaining impulsiveness. I got his attention and explained why we don't do that.

The movie was good, and there was only one other person in the movie, sitting almost to the top. It was longer than I expected. We didn't get out of there until 8pm.

On the way out, we looked at the movie banners. I watched him scanning them carefully, and noticed the difference in how he looked at them now. Back across the street, and he still darted with a car coming down the drive, although it was not close to him. I started to call, and he stopped two feet away from the curb. He is learning, but slowly.

I wonder, with the focus on life skills, if OT will work with him on traffic and dangerous situations? I hope they do the ordinary ones, at least.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10/18/11 (Tuesday) Back to school

Monday was the Pre-Op consult for Brea, and my turn to sign on the new vehicle, so I didn't make it to the apartment. We received a followup call from the surgery clinic on Tuesday that we have to show up at 9:30 for her surgery on Thursday. The medical people confirmed the least and worst case scenarios with us (not really any surprises there) and heavy explanation of the process for Brea, which was most welcome. I know she is nervous, but I don't think she is as scared now, since they walked us through what they were going to do.

I made it to the apartment Tuesday after work and Isaac was already there. Jackie told me he would probably be tired, since they had to get him up earlier. He now leaves at 7:15 to get to the clinic by 8 so he can have home-bound tutoring from 8-10. They are starting this for 4 days a week. Since we missed Monday, it will be Tues-Fri of this week, but that may change in the coming weeks.

We ducked out for some Chinese food. Our aide rode with us to pick it up and bring it back to the apartment, and I finally got to see the Transformers movie he and Jesse watched on Friday night. Of course he would want to watch it again!! That's my boy!!

We really have issues remembering not to take whatever is in our hands with us when we leave the area, unless it is our phone (of course).

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

State Fair Day

The boys were tired from their late night movie. Isaac was allowed to sleep until 8:45, because of a miscommunication with the morning aide. He was up and taking a shower when I arrived. Despite that, our aide was also to be our driver, so all we waited on was Mom to arrive with Brea and we were ready.


Bckpacks in hand, mine with the tablet to help distract Isaac (if necessary), and we were on our way. Our driver asked me to help navigate, but she knew the way there easily. We navigated to the north gate, got out, let the Dart train leave the station, and we were at the fair.

Standing in line at the gate, we were wanded for security. Isaac thought they would do it like the airports, so when the guy wanded his front, he turned around and put his arms up again. LOL

We saw the Dog show and got to pet one of the stars after the show. It was a three-legged pit bull named "nubs". He was nice and licked Isaac and Dad, then decided to paw dad for extra friendship.

Then we looked at the horses and goats. They were doing best of show in the goat arena as we came in. We moved through the holding pens, and the teenagers and I got ahead of the others. When I turned around Isaac had found a friend. The momma goat had come over next to the fence, and Isaac was petting her very slowly. She apparently sensed his innocence and was standing stock still, and lapping all that attention up.

Next we watched the goats being judged, and one was not happy to be in the arena. One Billy was by himself

After the show we decided it was time to eat. Isaac had had enough inputs, so could not make decisions. Dad found a relatively quiet table in the shade behind the food vendors and pulled the tablet out of his backpack for Isaac to have to focus on for awhile. Mom and the siblings went for food while Isaac and I just "chilled". Brother took a turn sitting with Isaac while I helped Brea get the food. We ate lunch and took our time. In about 45 minutes we were ready for more.

We went through the judging center, where everyone can enter and be judged on their personal talents. (cooking, baking, quilting, photography, etc) A theme contest this year was "Shoe Gluing". Better to show it than explain it.... here is the winner!

We took our time, as I like to do, but also because we didn't want to overstress Isaac. He made it through the embarcadero, then 3/4 the way through the car show before he showed signs of inundation. Brea noticed it and they simply sat in a car and closed the doors, absorbing the quiet inside the vehicle while mom stood guard.

It was then that mom was also ready to go that we "called for backup", and they sent the van to pick us up. Our morning aide was supposed to get off at 3:30, but she stayed over to come get us. What a caring group they are!

While waiting for the van, we detoured into the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) building for $1.00 drinks and water. We sat for a bit, then started to the gate. Jackie got the call that our van was onsite, and we walked out of the gate and into the van.

Very nice!!! Tired, but not excessively, and didn't have to drive. Wow!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

10-15-11 A taste of Freedom

Friday (late entry)
Pardon me, but I did not get to update last night as I had a "date" with my wife, who is normally NOT at the same dwelling as I am. Sorry for the inconvenience.  (grin)

Recap: Friday was a whirlwind day, as I took Jesse to stay with Isaac so Jackie and I could go test drive a car. Believe me, I'm as sold on the Elantra as I was on my Saturns. We did bring the car home, and we enjoyed the experience (and dare I say the finance person as well) we received from the Eckert dealership in Denton. Jackie now has a cute new car so she doesn't have to worry about the commute anymore.

During the day I had to spend some time during my lunch fielding calls to and from the pre-surgical clinic for Brea and CNS for Isaac. CNS decided they would be taking Isaac to the State Fair on Saturday, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized the number of people would be overwhelming to him. They are to "me", and I have been going all my life! I told the supervisor I did not want him going, and that we had decided to go as a family on Sunday instead, sans Jackie as she doesn't really like the fair that much. The supervisor then offered instead for to schedule a bus to take us from CNS, as a courtesy to Isaac, to the fair Sunday morning. She also gave us discounted prices on tickets if we bought them at the front desk, and I could tell her how many I needed. (Well that changed things)

I had to call her back because I wanted to run this new adventure by Jackie to see if it changed her mind, and it was a good thing I did. She was as surprised at me that we would not have to drive in the fair traffic, and was really excited about going. (Surprise!)

But wait.....there's more.....

I called back and confirmed the time we had to leave to get there when it opened, and told the supervisor how many tickets I needed.

Later in the afternoon I received an email from within LISD offering unused tickets to anyone who needed them. I was able to obtain enough for the family, except Isaac who has his paid for already. God is smiling and helping us so much, it is so amazing! I called and canceled the tickets with CNS, but kept the ride. LOL


Today, however, can only be described as F-U-N!!

Jackie and I got to sleep in.....what a concept! Getting up about 9 we started getting ready for the day.

I went down to get the boys for Isaac's "first outing with the family". The day started out with tossing the Angry bird (from a video game called "Angry Birds") between Jesse and Brea. I asked him what he would most like to improve about himself right now, if he could. He said he wanted "to get better at Math". (He aced the State test for Mathematics last Spring, and is having to work a little harder to refresh himself on multiplication tables)

I continued, "Anything else?"

He said, "Me." (Then after a short pause) "I would like to get more active."
I don't think they are used to this kind of recovery in a person. At least presently, they do not have anyone who has made the progress Isaac has made at the facility.

I asked, "You mean like playing outside in the morning and afternoon time?"


I told him I would make sure they started working on that this coming week.

We were told we didn't have to have an aide for family outings unless we wanted, and he could be "checked out" during the day, as long as he was back by 9pm. They finished getting ready after I arrived, and we waited for supervisor approval to check him out. Once we had that, I went to the office and checked him out, then piled the boys into the truck and the adventure was on...

First stop, American Indoor Sports
We went to where Jackie, Brea, Jesse, and I play adult co-ed soccer together on Saturdays. Jackie and Brea also play together on a Women's league on Mondays, while Jesse and I both referee there. Jackie and Brea met us at the complex, of course driving the new car (hee hee), and all our teammates and friends were there already when we arrived. Brea stayed out of the game, since she was not feeling well, but the other three of us put on a great show of acting like soccer players for the next forty minutes. Isaac played with Nicholas, and of course was fawned over by the spectators who came to watch us play.

After the game, and some great conversation, we banded what was left of the soccer team together and met again at Steak-N-Shake for lunch. Sixteen was apparently a bit much for the manager, who ended up giving us all the booths he could get close to each other. Isaac was able to order, with Dad's help, and he and Nicholas shared a table "just for the guys" by the window. I kept a close eye on him, but he was talking, having fun, and at one time high-fived Nicholas. (probably over a game on his phone....I don't know) Lunch seems to last longer when you are with friends.

Leaving out of there, Jackie took Isaac (as another surprise) to watch his soccer team play one of their games and cheer them on. It was GREAT!! He went and high fived the whole team, and afterwards played football with a friend and one of the soccer dads. Wanna see?

This was AMAZING to watch! (I also noticed some of the soccer parents keeping their distance or walking away quietly when I was walking around talking to other parents. I pray that whatever causes them to keep their distance is healed by Grace)

In case you needed to breathe, there for a second, the show continued. Jackie took Isaac to the local putt putt (like) place "The Zone". He wanted to play skeeball, so mom and Brea took him while Dad went home and got the paperwork for the financing of the car.

That in hand, we all met up at the dealership in different cars, just in case we didn't like the finance guy's response. Hey, I said the experience was wonderful. I didn't say I was fully trusting it to REMAIN that way. We've been on this Merry-Go-Round before.

I will have to say I was pleasantly surprised, once again. Our finance manager was "on the ball", explained what he was doing, where he intended to go with our financing, what he expected to happen, and.....WOW, I just can't say enough about them!

The car was prepped, fillup of gas, stickers removed from the windows, and off we went to get Jesse (sleeping back at the house and still not feeling the greatest) to take Isaac home. Jesse volunteered to go back tonight and have a movie night with Isaac while we got to spend another night with each other. (and Brea, of course) "I got to dri-ive" the new car to take the boys back!!! It's cute, but reminds me too much of the Jeff Dunham joke about the powder blue Prius. (Google it if you do not know. It will have you rolling)

Dropping the boys off, we came back to Lewisville and had a slightly late supper, then back home where I could make this incredibly long update. LOL


Friday, October 14, 2011

10-13-11 The weekend cometh...

We received a call from CNS yesterday. They left a voicemail for Jackie, who in turn texted me they called, but couldn't get the voicemail because she was in a meeting. Nevertheless, it must have been important, or they would not have called. Both of us were worried about Isaac. I was wondering if he finally decided to have a melt down since we have not had one since OCH. I was preparing for bad things.

The front receptionist was probably "singing my praises" when I told her I was calling back, but didn't have a clue who called me from their office. She was able to locate our case worker, who by miracle was the one who called.

It was good news, not an emergency.  Our insurance company only provides 14 days of coverage at a time for him, and they approved another 14 days. I thought, "That's all the phone call was about??" (phew)

So the plan is for brother to stay with Isaac tonight and have "guy time". They have the new Transformers movie to watch. Mom and Dad are going car shopping. Saturday, Isaac is supposed to go to the fair, but I would rather he go on Sunday when 1) we can all go, and 2) when the crowds won't be too thick in the morning. That way he will see more of the fair without the extra crowd, and if we have to leave early we can.

The CNS people are meeting with a local middle school on Monday to have an ARD. This is to set Isaac up in Irving ISD, and also to start preparing school work that will bring him back to where he was, if possible.

Thursday night our aide got some math flash cards and started working with him on multiplication tables.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10-12-11 Communication

This morning Isaac was up at his usual time of 7am, showered, and getting dressed when the phone rang from the front desk. Apparently OT was coming to observe his ability to get his morning routine done. They arrived at 7:20am. Not very punctual in my book.They said they would come back. Hopefully the next time they will be "on time".

Dad arrived after Isaac was back from the clinic. I stopped at home to change clothes after work, since I work close to the house. I got to the apartment a few minutes after he did. Already watching cartoons....Typical boy!

We watched them for about 45 minutes, then he and I played a card game. I played one with the same concepts of the games we play at home. He was working on his hand, but despite my best efforts kept giving me the cards I needed. (Ugh) So I went a few rounds waiting for him before he looked like he was getting bored, then put my cards down.

We have decided that we need another car. Our two have been paid for since 2010 and 2008. Hers has over 100K and mine is getting close to 200K. They are driving fine, although neither is great on gas, but with two teenage drivers about to put the extra stress on them by driving different than we do we fully expect one will give.

The problem in our decision is that one of us is always with Isaac but we both need to drive the car to approve and sign the papers. I had a brainstorm and talked with Jesse, my college son, who agreed to stay with Isaac Friday night to let us both go and drive the style we found that we think will work for us. God give me strength to verbally "out muscle" the sales and finance guys to give us a better deal than our pre-approval with the bank.

Isaac, however, is going to the State Fair this weekend. We are not sure who from the family is going, but since Jesse cannot drive legally yet and they will not let us ride in the bus with them, one of us will be going also. I suspect that will be me, since Jackie really does not like the Fair. I will be going Saturday afternoon, then taking my daughter on Sunday since she is in a band competition all day Saturday.

High School marching band continues, despite life happening around it, you know. As a side note, if you can get your kids into band I suggest doing it. That is the best organization in the entire school (from 6th to 12th grade), in my honest opinion.

Lastly, prayer warriors, please rev up your engines. Next week Brea will be having her outpatient surgery. We are all a bit nervous, but she is (in her words) "wishes the surgery was tomorrow and not next week."

I watched a "discussion" today at work, between two people who have worked together for over a year without incident, that saddened me greatly.  If you find yourself angry at another tomorrow, please remember three things:

  1. It will not hurt you to wait until you are no longer angry to deal with the situation.
  2. What you see may not be the whole story, and the full story may reveal itself in the time you take for #1.
  3. Words said in anger or frustration CANNOT BE ERASED when you later learn that the rest of the story would have made you react differently. 
I'm going to write the next entry about a story that was told to us by our cousin, that I later used with my older son to help him understand his place in the accident. For tonight, sleep on the fact that everyone would rather have peace, despite the battles we face each day. It is our choice to fight fire with fire, or with kindness and common sense.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10-11-11 Ignition!

The mail has been really neat. Most of it has been coming our way at the house, and we then deliver it to Isaac at the apartment. If you are interested in sending him wishes directly, please send it to:

3915 Portland, Irving, TX 75038

It will get to Isaac, and he is responsible to get his own mail. 

I think Jackie and I are beginning to get comfortable with Isaac's progress; mostly because he is showing the intelligence more and more each day. The frustration is still with his voice, his time to response when it comes to conscious thought, and his lack of common sense.  He will go to a door and open it, simply because he hears a noise outside that he cannot define, or when he sees someone pass by the window. His loving countenance, however, is bright and shines brilliantly in his playfulness and loving manner.

I have to admit I'm having difficulty because work is keeping me busy and I have less time to make the entries on here. I feel bad that I have twice now had to summarize my thoughts from previous days. I get to the apartment and want to crash, but Isaac is getting home and is ready to go. I had to enlighten our aide today because she was getting Isaac excited about going out to Wal-Mart for an outing. I remember the doctors saying that, with all the stimulus in the clinic, a quieter setting is more beneficial for him in the evenings. Save the exciting stuff for the weekend.

We did go to Wal-Mart. He walked almost all the way around the store, looking to spend the $5 sent to him by a prayer warrior in East Texas. His choice was very good. He found a movie on sale that he did not have at home. It was $5, and dad chose to take care of the tax instead of use it as a lesson.....not yet.

We have been working on our domestic skills while dad is there.We have a checklist that he is learning to do remedial tasks in the morning and in the evening. He signed his this morning himself.

 Mom adds:
Check out the latest picture & remember that on 9/9, he was barely making dots on the paper with his pen -- one month later and we SIGN our name!! Praise God!
Victor and family were over. We were so glad to see him.  Nicholas played with Isaac on Angry Birds while the adults talked. He brought our favorite Brazilian potatoes as a treat, so the three of us made a dinner of it with hot dogs. (lol, Hey, it works)
Sunday was church day for Isaac. The CNS group went to church at Calvary in Irving. 
All of the praying & praising we've been doing and today Isaac gets to praise Him in church for the 1st time since the incident!!
This weekend we had many visitors, from cousins to soccer friends. You probably won't believe it, but you actually make a very positive impact on Isaac with your visits. They don't have to be long, but they give him a sense of care from a much larger group because he can see it with his own eyes. 
Friday Grandma came up and watched Isaac to let Jackie and I go to the Homecoming game. Ooh, a date!!!
Well, this was a little backwards. I would tell you to read it upside down, but it probably would make less sense.